Black Salt Benefits Explained

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

There are commonly three types of materials that are called "Black Salt'. There is the salt that is famous in Indian Cuisine, also referred to as Indian Black salt or Kala Namak. Secondly there is a Black Lava salt or Hawaiian Black salt. Black lava salt is black in color and is simply sea salt that is blended with activated charcoal. It has an earthy flavor and usually comes from Hawaii or Cyprus. This is used at the end of cooking as a finishing salt. Thirdly, the type we are concerned with is Black ritual salt. this salt is often called Witches’ Salt and is not for eating. Black ritual salt is used to drive away evil and negative energy.

Black ritual salt has a long tradition in HooDoo and Santeria as a magical tool. It is commonly used to drive off unwanted guests, remove negative energy from your property, Protect you from outside influences, and prevent unwanted people and energies from returning. ​

Black salt differs from traditional blessed salt in that while it does protect the home and properties, it is mainly used to drive off entities and people. This is more of an active type of protection than the straight-up protective qualities of Blessed salt. Please note the use of Black Ritual Salt against entrenched powerful entities can be dangerous. ​

How to use Black salt depends on what end result you wish to attain:

~ As protection, sprinkle around your house in the same method as blessed salt.

~ To banish evil or remove negativity from your space, scatter a pinch in the space and vocalize or visualize the energy leaving.

~ To protect from unwanted people or influences, sprinkle some salt outside your doors while naming the person or entity you do not wish to visit your property. You should also name the reasons behind this for added power.

~ To remove a person from your home, carefully sprinkle some of the salt behind them, then sprinkle some salt outside of your main door.

Let us know if you've ever used black salt, or need some in your life!
