Crystals for Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

These Scorpio ♏ crystals can be used for any placement. Sun sign, moon, rising, or even in the houses.


EMF Protection ~ 98 Carbon ~ Personal Power

Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent of carbon. It was first described from a deposit near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from where it gets its name. Shungite has been reported to contain trace amounts of fullerenes. fullerenes boost the regenerative ability of human tissue and influence the exchange of neurotransmitters, which can improve a person's resistance to stress.

Strength, Transformation, Intuition

The ‘Temple of the Stars.’ It can help you to traverse changes, attracting strength, perseverance and provide clarity to psychic sight. Offering one patience and a sense of perfect timing. Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It clears balances and protects your aura, reduces stress, and attracts success. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny.

Brecciated Jasper

Awareness, Intuition, Healing

Its strong, grounding energies are remarkable for attaining emotional stability, and bouncing back after dealing with a conflict or crisis. It increases vitality and rejuvenation and promotes self-confidence and creative inspiration.

Amplifies, Protects, Healing

Malachite is a stone of transformation. It helps balance pure love, romance, and your own well-being. It is a stone of material stability, bringing luck, prosperity, and abundance. It is a very protective stone, especially helpful for general physical protection, protection from evil, protection during pregnancy/childbirth, and protection for children. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability.


Sorcerer’s Stone ~ Karma ~ Respect

A stone of tremendous grounding and fiercely protective of its owner. Used to bring stability to one’s environment. Excellent for reducing tension, stress and allows for a deep sleep. Nuummite is a stone of empowerment allowing one to see past facades. Assists to release trapped energies & severe emotional constraints. Teaches honor and respect of self and of others.

Kambaba Jasper

Awareness, Intuition, Healing

Kambaba Jasper contains the earliest records of life on Earth, fossilized algae, and other primeval microorganisms, and is a marvelous stone for bringing peace and tranquility to troubled minds. It strengthens those whose hearts have been deeply hurt and provides grounding and protection.

Abalone Shell

Communication, Peace, Beauty

Intimately connected to the sea… represents the tides of emotion and brings harmony in relationships. The play and variety of colors represent change as the beauty of existence. Excellent stone for inner peace and harmony, allowing one to see the beauty in all.


Healing, Protective, Comforting

Peridot is a stone of compassion. Its friendly energy is excellent for healing while bringing abundance and prosperity. It enhances healing and harmony in relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot can lessen stress in relationships, anger, and jeal,ousy, slow the aging process and heal ulcers as well as digestive disorders.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopard-skin Jasper reflects the duality between dark and light. This is a shamanic stone, helpful in journeying and getting in touch with one’s spirit animal. It also strengthens the sense of self, attracting the right energies into one’s life to heal and move beyond past traumas, while being guided to new opportunities.

Coquino Jasper


Compassion, Deep Love, Comfort

Rhodochrosite is perfect for balancing your emotions. It promotes acceptance of your past, assists you in loving yourself, and helping help ease your need to blame yourself for everything. It invokes courage, will and passion. Rhodochrosite is a powerful emotional healer, radiating an extraordinarily strong energy of Divine love, andLovengs calm acceptance for all traumas. It also helps to prevent sickness.

Lapis Lazuli

Communication, Intuition, Inner Power

Lapis Lazuli brings you peace! It is an excellent stone for inspiring creative expression. It brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition, virility, and manifestation. It strengthens your mind and body as well as increasing awareness and quickening spiritual evolution. It can help you organize your daily life and build self-confidence. Lapis Lazuli is also known for enhancing love and fidelity within marriage.


Protection, Grounding, Removes Negativity

Obsidian is an excellent manifestation stone. Wearing will assists in dispersing negativity around the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision. Helps one get in touch with buried issues.

Managano Calcite

Self Confidence ~ Healing

Known as the Reiki stone, Mangano Calcite is a powerful healing Crystal, that promotes unconditional love, and self-confidence. It aids in healing and overcoming past traumas of all kinds and can be used to contact higher realms.

Hematoid Quartz


A grounding crystal that transforms negativity into positive energy, aiding the user who seeks change. is a transformational crystal that combines the amplifying properties of Quartz with the balance and stability of iron in the form of Hematite and/or Limonite ... Hematoid Quartz also assists when Self Worth and Self Esteem are lacking.

Pink Opal

Joy, Renewal, Insight, Joy, Renewal, Insight Joy, Renewal, Insight

Pink Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura. It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions. Sleeping with or wearing pink opal helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories. Pink Opal brings peace and harmony within.


Wisdom ~ Energy Work ~ Protection

Natural Moonstone is very soothing and a natural stress reducer. Highly protective when worn during travel. Connects us to Divine Inspiration. This stone encourages introspection and judgment, allowing for easier decision making. Known to enhance emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities & freedom of expression.

Smokey Quartz

Removes Negativity, Grounding, Transformation

Smoky Quartz assists with grief, despair, depression, and another fermenting negativity. It is a mild sedative with a relaxing effect, and it helps you to explore your inner self, embracing dark areas with light and love, allowing healing and reconciliation to take place. It is also a good balancer of sexual energies and effectively releases bodily stress and strain related to emotional distress.

Snakeskin Agate

Mahogany Obsidian

Protection ~ Confidence

Mahogany Obsidian works as a protective stone, much like Black Obsidian. It also taps into one’s inner strength and confidence, stimulating growth as inspires one to follow their life purpose.


Communication, Release, Healing

Turquoise is perfect to use when you are feeling out of balance as it realigns and revitalizes your cellular structure. It brings you peace of mind and allows you to perceive information psychically. Use it to increase your creativity and speak your truth without fear!


Love ~ Compassion ~ Kindness

Unakite is healing for the heart and mind. A stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body while lifting spirits when one is down. Assists with better sleep & relieving stress. Promotes patience and persistence, & gradually eliminates bad habits. Perfect for children’s sensitive emotions,s, excellent for helping bounce back from sorrow, grief or disappointment.

Shiva Lingham

Creativity, Self-Expression, Wisdom

The Shiva Shell spiral symbolizes an energy force of power and strength. It looks beyond the obvious. It symbolizes creation and the constant change in the universe.

Tourmalinated Quartz

Grounding, Protection, Removes/high-energy and

Tourmalinated Quartz is a powerful, high energy stone used to increase your power. It can transmute any negativity into positive energy for the wearer. Tourmalinated Quartz aids to balance yin/yang energies and release negative patterns.

Hope this was insightful! 🥰🥰🥰

Reference: Unknown Source