Labradorite Properties & Examples (Our Favorite Stone)

Labradorite is one of the most powerful protector stones of the mineral world.
It is believed to create a shielding force throughout the aura
that strengthens natural energies that boosts the chakras.


Labradorite can seem like an ordinary rock, but the most brilliant flashes of colorful rainbow light appear with just a slight tilt. So it is no wonder that this mystical crystal has inspired many legends throughout the centuries.

Quality Labradorite is an instantly recognizable stone with a stunning iridescence and gorgeous play of electrifying colors. Its beautiful color and flashes of light are so spectacular that the Inuit people believed that the stone was the Northern Lights captured in the rocks.

Labradorite has been used for centuries in jewelry-making and is a popular gemstone. It is growing in popularity as more and more people turn towards powerful natural gemstones for their jewelry and gemstone healing practice.

General & Scientific Labradorite Gemstone Properties

General & Scientific Labradorite Gemstone Properties

Labradorite: Stone of Protection & Energy Alignment
Mohs Hardness of 6 with a triclinic crystal structure.

Pronounced: ˈla-brə-ˌdȯr-ˌīt

What is Labradorite?
Labradorite is a type of feldspar crystal containing between 30-50% Albite and 50-70% Anorthite. Get out your dictionary there are some big words coming... Labradorite is a member of the plagioclase (tectosilicate minerals... if that helps at all) series of minerals that are comprised of feldspars that range in composition of pure albite (NaAlSi3) to pure anthorite (CaAl2 Si2 O8). Labradorite is defined at approximately 50% to 70% anthorite. By definition, it must contain 50-70% calcium to 50-30% sodium in the sodium/calcium position of the crystal structure. All members of the plagioclase series usually display lamellar twinning called "Albite Twinning". The twinning is caused by an error in the crystal structure during its growth....Whew...
Labradorite was named after the Labrador peninsula of Canada, where it was first discovered. As legend tells us, Labradorite was discovered in 1770 on St. Paul Island in Labrador. During an archaeological dig for artifacts of the “Red Painted People” of Maine, pieces of this stone were found as well.
Quality Labradorite displays a strong iridescence when viewed from different angles. Finnish Spectrolite exhibits vivid colors of bright aqua, golden yellow, peacock blue, reddish-orange, greens, and browns.
High-quality Labradorite shows Labradorescence, a Shiller effect in lustrous metallic tints, often blue and green, and sometimes amber, pink, or the complete spectrum. This effect is caused by interference of light from lattice distortions resulting from alternating microscopic exsolution lamellae of high- and low-calcium plagioclase phases.
Spectrolite, considered to be the “gem quality” form of Labradorite, was discovered in Finland during World War II.
Both Specimens are also found in India, Madagascar, Newfoundland, and Russia.

What Is Labradorescence?
Labradorescence is the term given to the distinct shimmering iridescent color of high-quality labradorite gemstones.

In tech-talk... The Labradoressence color display is from lamellar intergrowths inside the crystal. These intergrowths result from compatible chemistries at high temperatures becoming incompatible at lower temperatures and therefore causing a separating and layering of these two phases. The resulting color effect is caused by a light ray entering a layer and being refracted back and forth by deeper layers. This refracted ray is slowed by the extra travel through the layers and mixes with other rays to produce a light ray coming out that has a different wavelength than when it went in. The wavelength corresponds to the wavelength of a particular color. The effect depends on the thickness and orientation of the layers and also upon the angle of the viewer or the angle of the light source. If the layers are too thick or too thin, or if the angle of the viewer or light source is not correct then 'Labradoressence' will not be seen.

In simple terms... Labradorite has a dark body tone but it is the iridescence and clarity that gives the stone its beautiful, lively appearance. The reason why labradorite shows its flashes of color is due to the structure of its formation. Labradorite forms in layers of rock. When light is diffracted from these layers, the colors shine through. Common colors of labradorite are blue, brown, fiery orange well as a rainbow.

How to Clean and Care for Labradorite?
To ensure that your labradorite stays shining and lustrous, regular cleaning is suggested. You can use soap and warm water with a soft brush to wash the crystal. Once washed, rinse labradorite in running water and dry it thoroughly. Please avoid using ultrasonic or steam cleaners when cleaning labradorite.

When storing labradorite, wrap in a cotton or velvet cloth and store separately. This keeps it free from dust and from being scratched by other items. Keep your labradorite away from chemicals such as harsh detergents, bleach, and cosmetics. It is always better to take off labradorite jewelry when applying makeup and when doing household or outdoor activities that will expose it to chemicals.

Labradorite Metaphysical Gemstone Properties

There are many qualities attributed to this beautiful, mystical stone such as good luck, protection, lucid dreaming, insight, enhanced psychic abilities, intuition, and dispelling negative energies. Labradorite, possessing its own charms, is part Feldspar and part Albite. Therefore the properties of all of these minerals make up the magic that is Labradorite. All together this fantastical stone is noted for taking darker and unwanted energies and replacing them with positive energies.

Because of the structure of this stone, Labradorite has a holographic aspect to it that can create so many variations in color. It could be used to aid almost every chakra depending on the color of the stone, and the Labradoressent flashes of light that are seen depend on the angle at which you turn the stone. This fact alone makes this crystal a very interesting stone on a metaphysical level. Just like us, Labradorite is multi-dimensional, versatile, durable, and the cracks that form while growing cause beautiful flashes of light to be seen by others depending on their perspective.

Our minds also work this way. Our experiences, stresses, and strains on our psyche can alter the way in which knowledge or information (light) enters, and as it passes through, bounces from each cleave to alter the way in which it is perceived. Told to provide quick relief from anxiety, depression, and hopelessness; replacing them with self-confidence, enthusiasm, and inspiration. When one is experiencing times of conflict and change, Labradorite is said to offer perseverance, strength, and enhanced inner intuition to assist in that time of disruption. Said to dispel negative thoughts and energies, bringing instead enhanced clarity of thought for a clearer understanding, as well as improving one’s ability to cooperate in harmony with others.

Called a sister to the Moonstone, Labradorite links the ‘darker’ Crone aspects to the Moonstone’s ‘light’ Goddess energies, granting an inner knowing, enhancing intuition and psychic perception. Much the same as the cord-cutting Crone, Labradorite assists the bearer to release all judgment so one may better understand the destiny one has chosen.

This beautiful combination of minerals seems to help communicate one’s intentions more clearly to the Universe, by which magic begins to emerge. Synchronicity or “coincidences” abound in one’s favor, things that had once been misplaced will be discovered again, Labradorite helps to ground and integrate one physically in the higher energies, while also offering a deeper understanding of previously unidentified or misunderstood messages from one’s inner being.

In traditional Hindu belief systems, labradorite is associated with the throat chakra, or vishuddha, which is the center of purification. The throat chakra is associated with hearing, speech, and self-expression. Wearing labradorite is thought to contribute to true and honest expression. Labradorite is said to facilitate communication between the spiritual and physical world, helping its wearer to recall dreams and experiences from past lives. It is therefore thought to help bring out psychic abilities.

It is sometimes referred to as Merlin Stone or Magic Stone because of its metaphysical properties listed below:

Ancient wisdom.

Labradorite Healing Gemstone Properties

Emotionally, Labradorite has a soothing, calming, and harmonizing effect, which makes it a perfect talisman for those who anger easily. It improves one’s intuition and assists in clarifying the bearer’s views, objectives, and goals.

Physically, this beautiful stone seems particularly effective in relieving and treating disorders with the eyes and with improving one’s eyesight- especially at night. Told also to be beneficial in treating brain disorders, improving memory as well as alleviating bone issues, musculature complaints, and the wear and tear of one’s joints.

Told to boost physical energy, strengthen the immune system, as well as regulating the metabolism, balancing the hormones, and stimulating the thymus gland. Labradorite opens up blockages in the circulatory system, stabilizes the digestive process, and relieves menstrual tensions.

In its elixir form, the lovely Labradorite purges one of negativity, bringing well-being and slight pain-killing properties. When used for physical healing purposes, one should hold or carry as a touchstone, or wear as jewelry. When the healing process is complete, the stone should be cleansed under running water. If by chance its surface becomes cloudy, place it in a glass with mineral water and set in a spot where it will have sun and moonlight for a few days so it may be recharged, regenerated, and refreshed.

Labradorite Magical Gemstone Properties

Energy: Protective
Element: Water
Planet: Earth
Deities: Isis, Arianrhod
Powers: Protection, Psychic Powers, Strengthening
Candle Color: Indigo/Purple

Labradorite Crystal is a stone of magic… awakening within you mystical and magical abilities and psychic powers.

It has within it a deeply felt resonance that is very powerful, and it can be used to bring amazing changes to your life.

Its vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity… so it cannot be used for ill will. This is a stone whose energy is quite visible to the user… as it just seems to work so quickly.

Wearing it just seems to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before!

For Protection~You can use Labradorite to combat the problem of jealousy, which his common in most environments and groups of people. Use a stone to help the negativity bounce off you and protect you from distress.

For Strengthening~Astral projection is a difficult skill to master, and it takes much practice before you will become competent at it. Labradorite can help you to master this process before you will become competent at it. Labradorite can help you to master this process by helping you strengthen your energy body (aura).

Labradorite is the gemstone of magic, and it awakens in those who carry or wear it the awareness of one’s innate magical powers. This iridescent stone is highly mystical and protective, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It can take you into another world or into other lives. This stone stimulates intuition and psychic gifts, including the art of right timing, bringing messages from the unconscious mind to the surface and facilitating their understanding.

Labradorite creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you. It can be used to make certain that all the elemental forces are empowered and in proper proportions within one’s energy system. Labradorite is an important aid when one works with elemental allies, as it assists one in invoking these powerful natural energies.

recharge under the moonlight, or use a perspex rainbow in the sun to shine on the stone

Labradorite has long been a Shaman’s stone – meaning it has very magical, transformational, and etheric qualities. It is one of the best grounding stones to accompany astral travel/higher chakra work. It truly helps to maintain a connection to Earth, whilst its light-reflectivity helps to explore higher vibrations. This ‘holding your ankles whilst you fly’ effect – ensures that you are able to bring down and integrate into physical life whatever you learn working in higher realms

Labradorite Astrological- Zodiac Gemstone Properties

Zodiac Stone of Aquarius (Elemental) also Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Associations: Moon, Uranus

Birthstone: Not a Traditional, Modern, or Ancient Birthstone for any month

Elemental stone of Aquarius, Labradorite is also associated with the signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo; said to be helpful in building courage one must have to confront the dragons of every day.

Labradorite Chakra Healing Properties

Labradorite has been documented to have a powerful effect on all chakras but the 3rd. Said to have a particular stone effect on the upper chakras 5th, Throat thru 7th, Crown.

If one is working on spiritual growth, Labradorite will boost abilities within the higher chakras. Its energy resonating strongly within and up to the 8th, Soul Chakra, encouraging one to make contact with the Divine mind, often aiding in the location of your spirit guides.

It acts as an ally for those who desire to enter the “void” to obtain information and knowledge on the unseen aspects of life and help to repair the aura.

What Labradorite does is helps to raise your bright/light vibration. Clearing out any negativity that you might have in your aura.
