Meaning of the Frog

Frog Meaning:

- The elusive, slippery and yet, oh so cute frog is the face of many different meanings, but is well known for being an amazing symbol and sign of

- fertility

- transition & transformation

- good luck

- safe travel

Below are some origin stories of the frog's importance in different cultures.

The Frog in Egyptian culture

2 goddesses in Egpytian lore were represented by the amphibious frog: Heket & Heqit. Heket, the water goddess, would typically appear with the upper torso and head of a frog, and Heqit, goddess of midwives, conception and birth. For Heqit, women would create and adorn themselves with amulets of her, appealing in her favor for better chances of conceiving.

In Egypt, frogs were considered not only a good sign but a necessary one, if the people wanted to survive. Due to Egypt's climate, a surplus of floods were needed in order for the agriculture to survive, the people at this time were able to predict a fruitful harvest if there was an extraordinary amount of frogs that accompanied these floods, which turned frogs into a symbol of abundance in Egyptian culture!

The Frog in Mesoamerican culture

The Aymara tribe from what is now Peru and Bolivia worshiped frogs, believing that they were the rain bringers, even using live frogs in different rain rituals. When the frogs did not bring plentiful rain, they would lash the animals out of anger and disappointment. Pre Colombian tribes would worship Ceneotl, the goddess of childbirth and fertility, who appeared as a frog with many udders.

The Frog in Aztec culture

Differing from Egyptian and Mesoamerican lore, the frog represents duality. Legend goes that Tlaltecuhti, or earth mother goddess, appears as a mixture of human and frog, with a fanged mouth and claws for feet. She is often depicted squatting, giving birth to the world, while the souls of the dead flow through her mouth, off to their next lifetime or journey. In one particular story , she is the source of the entire universe: Quetzalcoatl, the bird-serpent god, and Tezcatlipoca, the magician-jaguar god, find her floating alone on the primordial sea. They tear her body in half, with one half forming heaven, and the other forming the earth. Frogs are also known for their cannibalistic behavior, and oftentimes eat their own young, serving as another representation of life and death, fertility and destruction.

The Frog in Asian culture

Japan: In Japanese culture, frogs symbolize safe travelling and returns, especially journeys done over water. In Chinese culture, the stands for good luck, and represent yin energy!

Where to Place your Frogs

Bedroom: Placing frog statues in your bedroom, help invite fertility to the couple wanting to conceive

Wallet/ Purse: Keeping a small frog in your wallet or purse helps in preventing lost money

East Window of Home: Placing

a statue of a frog in the Eastern window of your home will help with conception, and encourage a happy home life !

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