Libyan Desert Glass | Rockcollage
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Libyan Desert Glass is a transformational stone that offers up powerful enhancing energies that directly resonate with one's solar plexus, sacral, and third eye chakra. As one begins their own personal journey with this strange desert glass, exceptional qualities of oneself will rise from within and begin to shine.


They will aid past life explorations and are said to be able to enable you to make contact with beings from other dimensions, including extra terrestrial beings. Light-workers have been using Libyan Desert Glass, and have found that these high-vibration stones are a strong aid for ascension.


They are powerful stones to aid willpower, and they have strong energy to aid manifestation. The vibration of these stones encourages the growth of your personal abundance and prosperity. If it is for your highest good, these stones will also assist you to manifest an increase in money.

Libyan Desert Glass

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