Self Love Mantra Deck | Rockcollage
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Self-affirmations have been shown to decrease health-deteriorating stress
Ask anyone, anywhere and everywhere,how they're doing. 9 times out of 10 the response you recieve is "STRESSED." In modern society there's a constant pressure to be the best, to balance work, family, life, in a world full of beautiful people, there is an abundance of anxiety and a lack of time and appreciation for the self, for life. 
Whether it's on your morning commute, stuck onto your bathroom mirror or tucked somewhere in your car dashboard, our Self Love Mantra Deck, is your perfect every day pick me up, each affirmation feeling as if it was written with you in mind! 
Make self love your norm, in a society where fully embracing yourself is the most courageous act possible.

Self Love Mantra Deck

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