Vessonite Tumbled | Rockcollage
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Psychologically, Vesuvianite (Idocrase) releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint, dissolves anger and alleviates fear and negativity. It helps to create a sense of inner security, opens the mind and stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking into creativity.
This is a lovely stone that will work within all chakras, and while its vibration is positive for all chakras, some colors resonate more strongly within particular chakras.
Although the actual result may depend on its color, the deep green stones carry the vibration of the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, as do the lighter green Vesuvianite stones.

Vesuvianite Or Idocrase Crystal Cluster
The light green stones will vibrate within both of the heart chakras, and within the solar plexus chakra.

This stones specific energy is powerful to unite these chakras, and will aid you to follow your heart's desire.
Much of the time the ego controls your will, and this energy dominates much of your life, and you may feel restricted and are unable to follow your true path.
The solar plexus holds the energy of the will, and this light green stone will free your will, and allow you to unite the energy of the heart with the will, and follow your true calling.

The courage to allow your heart to rule your life, is enabled by the vibration of the yellow-green Idocrase stones.
Release Fear And Old Patterns
Idocrase aids you to release fear and any old patterns, including past life issues affecting your current life, that you may be holding in your sub-conscious.

By releasing this energy, you may be enabled to move forward with your spiritual growth, as well as being able to make changes within other areas of your life.
This movement forward in your life may help you to eliminate depression. Using this stone will help you to move in a new direction spiritually. 

This may aid your overall spirituality and health. It furnishes a connection to the higher self, and this may aid you to access knowledge on your soul's present incarnation. 

It may aid you to become aware of past life situations that may be affecting your life.
How To Use It
Meditation with this stone is extremely helpful, and you may engage your Higher self in the process.

If you want to make major changes, if your heart is being tugged to take your life in a new direction, meditate with this stone.
Via its energy in the sacral chakra area, it will assist you to take notice of your feelings, and has the potential to increase the development of clairsentience.

One of the best Vesuvianite uses is to start meditating with it. This may be helpful to give you guidance if you are stuck in your job and are unsure which way to go.

Please note: The price is per one piece, intuitively picked for you. Due to the nature of crystals, they may vary slightly in shape, size, color, and pattern. ❤

Vessonite Tumbled

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