Apothecary Sulphur | Rockcollage
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SULPHUR POWDER is a naturally occurring mineral dust long used by Southern root doctors and conjures in so-called Enemy tricks. Folks well-versed in such doings tell us that they have laid a Cross-Mark of SULFUR over a person's Foot-Track to cause harm. For this reason, SULPHUR is also an ingredient in the so-called Crossing Powder. Likewise, a proprietary mixture of SULPHUR, is alleged to Jinx an Enemy in Family, Money, Job, and Health Matters. On the other hand, when tricks have been laid down, many people sprinkle lines of SULPHUR mixed with Salt to clean out the area. We do not make any occult claims for SULPHUR POWDER and sell it as a Curio only.

Apothecary Sulphur

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