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Rose of Jericho (What is it)

Despite its name, Rose of Jericho is not a rose at all. It is a small green plant, usually sold in a dried, compact ball. When it is soaked in water, it opens up its feathery, fern-like leaves and becomes green again. If it dries out, it goes back to its dry state. Since it can seemingly die and be reborn again, it is also called the "resurrection plant." This ability is also the source of its powerful spiritual and magical properties. It is a must-have plant for practitioners of hoodoo, Santeria, Espiritismo, Brujeria, and other paths. In Santeria and Yoruba traditions, it is sometimes considered sacred to the Orisha Shango.

Awakening Rose of Jericho

After buying the Rose of Jericho plant, it needs to be watered and "woken up" again. If you are planning on using it for spiritual purposes, there is a special way to do this. First, buy a bowl large enough to hold the plant once it opens up. (Glass bowls are best, but make sure whatever bowl you choose is sealed or glazed with non-toxic material.) The bowl should be washed with Holy Water, dried, then filled with fresh, clean water. Next, hold the dried plant in your hands. When you do this, feel the energy of the plant. Meditate, say prayers, chant, picture it filling with golden light, or do whatever other spiritual practices feel right to you. When the plant feels ready, place it in the water. Replace the water with clean water every few days.

When you are working with the Rose of Jericho, light a candle beside the plant. Be careful not to let the flame get too close to the leaves!

Rose of Jericho Water for Wealth

The water used to revive Rose of Jericho is often used to increase wealth. It can be sprinkled on counters, tables, or cash registers to bring in more business, or added to floor washes for good fortune. Many hoodoo practitioners keep a Rose of Jericho plant in water by their front door, with a couple of coins added to the water. This water is used to wash the front door, to help keep money flowing into the home.

Rose of Jericho for Protection

Because it is a holy plant, Rose of Jericho can be used to protect, too. Use it to wash protective jewelry, amulets, or medals. Dip your fingers into the water, and draw a cross on the back of your front door to keep evil out. The water can also be used as Holy Water, or as a base for making spiritual waters.

Place the Rose of Jericho in a bowl of water & watch the dry plant miraculously come to life and turn into a beautiful green flower. Take some coins and some gold and silver glitter and sprinkle them around the plant. The water is then said to have mystical qualities and can be sprinkled around the house to erase negative influences, bring peace, harmony, and abundance.


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