1 min readCrystal LibraryZodiac Crystal OptionsYou may wear your bracelet on either wrist as you prefer, however you may like to consider that it is widely recognised that Crystals...
3 min readCrystal LibraryCRYSTAL HEALING FOR PAIN RELIEFGemstones have been used to help relieve pain since ancient times (Even in the bible if you look hard enough!). They are often utilized...
5 min readCrystal LibraryHOW TO MEDITATE WITH CRYSTALSCrystal vibrations facilitate meditation by helping you relax into a quiet state of mind, focus on an intended goal and ground you. They...
3 min readCrystal LibraryHOW TO PROGRAM A CRYSTAL OR STONEHOW TO PROGRAM A CRYSTAL OR STONE Program your new crystals and stones to enhance their natural abilities and focus their energies on...
3 min readCrystal LibraryROOT CHAKRA HEALING WITH CRYSTALSYour root chakra could be the root of your problems. When it is unhealthy, you will suffer from a variety of emotional and physical...
7 min readChakras What is a Chakra and What Does it Do?A chakra is an energetic center within the auric and physical body of every human. Chakras are also referred to as discs or wheels of...
Integrating Your Craft into Your Home: A Guide for the Not-So-Tidy CrafterAre you a crafter who dreams of a serene, organized workspace? It can be tough to balance creativity with a clutter-free home. But fear...
The Power of Native American RitualsNative American Indians believe that all things contain a power within them. This power is not limited to human beings alone.
Types of Empaths Types of Empaths An Emotional Empath is someone who can physically feel the other person's emotions and energy , as though their...