Astrocartography – The astrology of place. It examines how people respond to the various energies available to them across the globe. Astrologers that practice this type of astrology help others find spots where they can better engage with specific themes in their lives by examining a special type of astrological map.
Chinese Astrology – A group of traditions that arose independently of those in the west with their own mythos, techniques, and philosophy that bloomed throughout the long history of Chinese cultures.
Cosmobiology – A school of astrology credited with popularization by German astrologer Reinhold Ebertin that is related to the Hamburg School of Astrology. There is a primary emphasis on mid-points and 8th Harmonic aspects, and the significant expansion of medical astrological principals.
Egyptian Astrology – A retrospective school of astrology that uses the rich Egyptian mythos to examine Zodiacal relationships. This should not be confused with the type of astrology practiced in ancient Egypt from roughly 2000BC-100BC that served as a foundational precursor to the Hellenistic tradition since the concept of the Zodiac was developed elsewhere.
Electional Astrology – Also known as Inception Astrology, this branch of the tradition is focused on finding the best time to start new projects so that they meet with the greatest success and abundance.
Esoteric Astrology – The types of astrology that examine spiritual principals and seek to build corpus knowledge of esoteric ideologies by examining the mundane motion of the planets and stars as well as their hidden relationships.
Evolutionary Astrology – Astrology that focuses on the supposed evolutionary path of the soul. It is used to foster individual growth and spiritual expansion in accordance with many new age principals.
Financial Astrology – Astrology that examines financial markets and their timing according to transits in order to forecast market changes. This branch of astrology also examines natal potential for money-making, as well as uses astrology as a tool for discourse about global economic trends.
Hellenistic Astrology – The type of astrology practiced in the Mediterranean from roughly 100BC to 600BC that reached its height during the Roman Empire. It is the first western system to incorporate the 4 fold system of astrology that became the foundation of all later practices.
Horary Astrology – Divinatory astrology that examines the moment in which a question is understood by an astrologer in order to find an answer for the querent.
Jyotish – Commonly conflated with Vedic Astrology, Jyotish is the main form of astrology practiced in the Indian subcontinent in the modern era. It represents a hybrid of indigenous Indian astrology with Hellenistic techniques. This type of astrology is sidereal, or constellation based.
Magi Astrology – A secretive form of astrology that examines relationships and their timing according to a different set of astrological standards.
Mayan Astrology – The tradition of astrology practiced in the Mayan culture that arose independently of western influence and ideology.
Medical Astrology – Astrology that examines the relationship of the human body with the alignment of the cosmos. Used to forecast and diagnose predispositions to certain health issues, as well as provide recommendations for greater over all health and wellness according to the natal potential.
Modern Astrology – The various forms of astrology that have been practiced since its revival in the late 1800’s. There has been a marked increase in the importance placed on the Sun sign, and a focus on the psychological potentials indicated by the natal chart.
Mundane Astrology – The astrology of large groups of people and their interactions. Transits are examined in order to explain and forecast global trends and events.
Natal Astrology – Astrology centered on the natal chart of individuals. In the modern era this is the most widely used form of astrology.
Psychological Astrology – The examination of the natal chart as a set of psychological predispositions. Based on this foundational premise the astrologer can help guide and counsel the native with traditional psychological techniques.
Rectification – An extraordinarily advanced astrological technique that examines the events of a native’s life and works backward in order to produce a time of birth for those that do not possess it. A time consuming and expensive process that is a necessary precursor for all advanced forms of astrological work.
Relocation Astrology – The supposition that natal capabilities are amenable to the influences of the locality. Examines the shift of potential that a native faces when living in different areas.
Synastry – The astrology of relationships. Two charts are examined concurrently in order to reveal themes and potentials that may be present as the relationship progresses.
Traditional Astrology – The various forms and traditions of astrology that were practiced during the almost 3000 years of its history prior to astrology’s revival in the late 1800s. There is a marked focus on mundane astrology and examining the lives of natives from a deterministic standpoint.
Transit Astrology – The examination of the current or future positions of the planets in relation to a natal chart order to see the themes that are currently active in a native’s life, as well as forecast future trends and events.
Uranian Astrology – Another branch that is related to the Hamburg School of Astrology that focuses on midpoints and uses theoretical planets as part of its an arsenal of techniques. It is sometimes said to be the true successor of the Hamburg legacy.
Vedic Astrology – The indigenous forms of astrology of the Indian subcontinent that arose independently of those of the west. There is a distinct lunar focus (as there are with many of the oldest forms of astrology). This system was eventually merged with ancient Hellenistic techniques in order to form what is now known as Jyotish.
Vocational Astrology – A specialized form of astrology that examines the inherent potential within a natal chart in order to recommend potential career paths for a native and help them navigate their professional life.
Weather Forecasting Astrology – The type of astrology that is most popularly used in almanacs. More advanced techniques and philosophies in use by astrologers range from everyday forecasting to major climate prediction.